Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Going to see him Friday night. Pretty excited, even though I don't know most of the songs. This is my Christmas present to Amanda...should be lots of fun.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

Life is busy. Despite my light class load this semester life is progressing rather quickly. A couple weeks ago I went home for birthday celebrations and my cousins' cheerleading competition. I'm not ashamed to say that I like the cheer competitions. In a few weeks I will watch them compete again in Springfield at the State Competition.
Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Mo and Aaron Hofman. They were here recruiting and Aaron led worship at Focus. They are great people and it was fun getting to know them for a few days.
At the same time they were here President Obama had his inauguration. I still haven't had a chance to go back and watch all of that, been too busy. I really enjoy American history and I think this is a huge turning point in our country, that is why I'm so into this Obama thing at the moment.
That's a recap of my life for the last few weeks. Now it's off to meetings, class, and of course...snow. I hate the cold.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Weather Update

My morning class was cancelled due to bad weather today. My professor sent an email at 6:30 this morning saying that it was -41 with the wind chill and class would be a bad idea. Don't worry, tomorrow we are expecting a heat-wave of 30. Watch out!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The high for Lincoln, IL today is a whopping 1 degree. However, the current wind chill is at -17 degrees! Yeah, it's sooo cold.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


24 is back!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I got up really early this morning to see my cousin Jessica play basketball. She played well and hard but they lost, it was ugly.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Weird Day...

Late yesterday afternoon I was asked to speak to the FCA group at the high school in Mt. Vernon. They meet on Fridays during lunch time so that meant I had about twenty hours to prepare. I ended up not writing anything new and reusing another lesson because the national championship game was on. My brother went with me and as we walked in the door I immediately felt out of place. I quickly realized I was 4-7 years older than the students in the room and it made me feel old. I got up there and spoke in front of the students and it all ended up fine, just made me feel old.

After speaking to the FCA group I had to go see the doctor for the chest pains I have been having lately. I ended up spending 3 hrs & 15 mins in that place, it always takes so long. In the end, the doctor said he thinks the pain will go away with the medicine he prescribed. However, if the medicine does not work there is a good chance I have Mitral Valve Prolapse. Basically something would be wrong with a valve and they would need to do some sort of something to fix that. But I'm going to try this medicine first and see what happens. He said the chest pain isn't going to kill me or anything, he just isn't quite sure what it is or what is causing it. We shall see what happens in the next coming weeks.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Visiting Vegas

Earlier tonight I returned from my trip to Vegas. I went out to see Amanda and to meet her family. It was really good to see Amanda, we got to have fun and relax for the first time since first semester ended. I had an amazing time with her and her friends (well, some of her friends did not care for me...or at least the idea of me). We hung out a lot with her friend Kori and there were plenty of laughs to go around, it really was a lot of fun. Like I said, I met her family and although I was extremely nervous it went over well I think. At least they don't hate me at this point (which, I mean, I don't anticipate being hated but I'm just saying). I'm pretty sure they think I'm too quiet, but in my defense I flew across the country to meet very significant people and I was trying to get a feel for how everything goes on in that family. Next time I will not be as quiet.

On our last night we went down to the strip and rode two rides on top of the Stratosphere which were very intense. I had been on them before but Amanda had not. We had so much much fun but by the end of it we were so dizzy and just needed to sit down. We followed that by watching the fountains at the Bellagio and as always it was really cool.

I really had a great time out there and the weather was great for January. Now I'm completely exhausted and it is time to rest up before school starts up again and life gets crazy.