Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer Days

I've been home for a few days now. I finished my independent study of Statistics and got an A on Thursday. I arrived home at 5:00pm and then was at softball practice at 5:30. That was really fun, can't wait for the season to start. Right after practice I came home and my family surprised me with a new car. I'm now driving a 2005 Ford Escape with less than 29,000 miles on it. Super pumped about that. Then later that night I went down to Herrin to watch an amazing 80s rock cover band.

Not everyday has been great. Friday morning I woke up early and threw up and haven't felt quite right since then. Although I'm better now, still not 100%. Tuesday I'm driving down to Texas for a few days. I'm really looking forward to it. It's my own mini vacation before I start my internship.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

End of Baseball

The season ended just over a week ago. We never won a game - no, not even one. We did have a lot of fun and it was great to get out and play the game I love so much. I ended up playing Catcher most of the time but I also played 8 of the 9 positions at some point in the year. Here are a few pics...