Monday, April 20, 2009

I sit in too many Psych classes...

Behaviors that interfere with good relationship building
1. Physical or emotional violence
2. Threatening words or actions
3. Abusive anger
4. Accusing or blaming
5. Judging and criticizing
6. Name calling
7. Denying – not taking responsibility for your own actions
8. Countering
9. Discounting
10. Blocking or diverting
11. Undermining
12. Verbal abuse disguised as joking
13. Withholding
14. Ignoring
15. Forgetting

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Drivers

I had a new experience on Easter Sunday. My cousin is 15 and she has just recently received her driving permit. So after church on Sunday we drove to my aunt's house for lunch which is about 30 mins and she drove while i was in the front seat with her. I forgot what learning to drive was like. She showed extreme caution and was very nervous. Inside I smiled becuase I remember having all the same feelings. This little experience just helped me to remember what it was like to be 15, i forget sometimes...

I'm Back

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted. I have been so so so busy. Just got back from a mission trip from Myrtle Beach, SC and we had an amazing time. We worked with two churches and did lots of work for them and we also spent a lot of time on the beach trying to show people who Christ is. Overall we had a great time and we would all love to do it again. Here are a few pics...